The Cut Live

The Cut Live

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Information The Cut
177 Main Street
Gloucester, MA 01930

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The Glostafarians and The Carnivals

The Glostafarians and The Carnivals
Reserved Seats $30
Standing $20
8:00pm doors / 8:30pm show
21+, Positive I.D. Required 

The Carnivals are a 5 piece combo that combine a unique blend of 50’s inspired R&B with a New Orleans flair. Hailing from Gloucester Massachusetts, their debut album, “Fiesta Time” was released in spring of 2024. Best described as a fun time party band, the song “Greasy Pole” tells the tale of a 100 plus year competition where the contestants walk the length of a horizontal telephone pole coated in grease, 20 feet over the harbor to capture a flag and achieve hero status on the streets of Gloucester.
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